10 nov. 2007

Part 2 #1 Welcome back !

Welcome back on the new version of Poï²'s website.
A few new things:
1/ the appearance: decided to give a lifting to this oldy blueish blOg, I had a bit of botox somewhere from an old R-Doc (spéciale dédicace à Couette² et Yzaz). But I'll be working on it in the coming days.

2/ the language: this blOg will now be in English, it will help my friends in French to practice their second language, and will permit my new friends to understand what I'm talking about, especially when I'm talking about them ;)

3/ the survey: an easy survey will take place on your right, the first one : Are you a snowboarder or a skier? One question, two answers, you'll get it, please take the time to participate !!

4/ the book: I'll let you get in my current life, with the title of the book I'm reading. If the book is good, maybe it will have a special post somewhere around when I finish to read it.

But I know that people hate when things change (don't say no, that's true!), I kept some stuff from the old blOg:
A/ back in time = the old posts: ok, whatever, nobody is really going to read them anyway...And they are in French.

B/ My flickR pictures: you'll find the last pictures on your right at the bottom, and with the link you'll get to the flickR page where you can flicker (that was easy) through my whole collection

C/ My links: for the moment, the old ones are still here, and I'm ready to add some new ones !!

D/ Your wherabouts: just to see where are my favorite readers !!

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

Dédicace reçu 5/5!

Mais attention à ton lifting, on ne connaît pas tous les effets secondaires du botox.. et oui 3 mois de r-doc pour conclure ça!

Les nouveaux apparats botoxés sont séduisants : le sondage (on a tous les 2 voté) et le bouquin (gaffe à pas raconter la fin d'harry potter!)
Bon effectivement manque la photo du bandeau d'en haut avec ton regard d'aventurière ;) mais si j'ai bien compris ton anglais (tu connais mon niveau), ça va venir..