8 janv. 2008

Have you ever burnt your tongue?

Est-ce que vous vous êtes déjà brûlé la langue?? It hurts badly !!!
Yesterday my friend Andy was kind to make me a hot chocolate, which after the first try, was really very hot!!

What are we supposed to do when hot liquid touches our tongue? Spit it out? Swallow it hard? Open your mouth to let it cool, on your tongue? (if you have any other idea, please comment down here).

Well, I tried last both ways: I tried to open my mouth, but the reflex in that case is to stick your tongue out. And you now struggle with your brain to not do it, so that you can keep the liquid in your mouth, and not on your clothes. Ca c'est du sport !!

My situation wasn't easy: sitting down in front of my laptop, with Andy still on my left, and the hifi-stereo+phone in the corner between us, I was surrounded! Andy wouldn't have liked me spiting hot chocolate on him, and the electronics wouldn't have appreciated being soaked either (I wanted to be able to still use them AFTER the incident)

No choice, I had to swallow it. It's the best solution if you don't want to paint your walls. L'oesophage (hé ouais, j'ai suivi les cours de bio en 4ème!!) semble moins sensible à la chaleur que la langue.

Mais la solution la plus efficace si vous ne voulez pas brûler, c'est quand même de juste tout recracher.

And after this incident, my tongue was numb for two days (and still is), and feels like cardboard box (ok, je n'ai jamais essayé de manger du carton, mais bon, je pense que ça fait le même effet).

But we're lucky the tongue is made for this fight, and gets back to life in a short time, faster than any other part of your body.

If you want to heal a burnt tongue: watch this video, suck an ice cube (but don't bite it with your teeth), drink cold water, avoid acid drinks and inhale through your mouth, to get some breeze on your tongue. But even if you don't do anything, the day after tomorrow you'll be as good as new !!

Si vous souhaitez éviter de vous brûler la langue (mieux vaut prévenir que guérir!):
touchez le récipient pour voir s'il est chaud (moi ça ne marchait pas, mon mug était en plastique fait exprès pour garder la chaleur, et Andy venait tout juste de verser le contenu);

ou bien vous pouvez acheter une cuillère/bol qui change de couleur si la température est supérieure à 50°C

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

Why just the other day I found myself burning my tongue when testing hot stew and decided to run my tongue under cold running water (ha! And they didn’t have that on the ‘how to’ video!) and it worked! No weird feeling after :) The how to video is a good laugh too.