26 avr. 2008

Book: Terry GOODKIND - Faith of the Fallen

I'm still reading the Sword of Truth collection, from Terry GOODKIND. The last one I read was Faith of the Fallen, the number 6.

I now know why Terry GOODKIND is selling so many books and has been ranked as "New York Times Best Seller" for ages. He is using situations and facts from our world and just sends it in a world without time but with wizards and magic (people like magic, when it's good).

In Soul of the Fire (number 5), GOODKIND is using today's STD's (Sexually Transmitted Diseases).

In Faith of the Fallen, GOODKIND is now showing us that Communism is bad for you (letting you starve, taking all your money to give it to others, not letting you do your business) and Liberalism is the way it should be.

Was this book written during the Cold War? That's what I was thinking while reading it...

But that's a good book, keeping you up late at night to know what will happen next. Will Richard get out of this life of slavery and hell??

My vote: 3,5/5

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