29 févr. 2008

Movie: Why did I get married - Tyler PERRY

My vote: 4,5/5

Well, the fact that Why did I get married is filmed in Pemberton and that you actually can see A LOT of Pemberton is impacting in the note, I must admit.

But the movie in itself deserves a 3,5 out of 5. The drama: 4 couples are meeting in a chalet for a snowy week-end. The couples have been married for a while, and we are going to see where love got them after all these years.

They all have different troubles: the first couple lost a kid in a car accident, and the husband is secretly blaming his wife for the accident. In the second couple the wife is working too much, and after having one daughter, she doesn't want to hear about another child. The wife in the third couple is an alcoholic and drives her husband ashamed, this latter having an ex-wife to deal with on top of it. And finally, the last couple: the husband doesn't love his wife anymore because she is too fat. Instead he is having an affair with a young girl.

Different problems, different solutions. This movie tries to understand and answer the troubles couples can face. Of course, communication is the main solution :D

I liked this movie because it implies not only one couple but four ! And the end is completely inexpected for all of the couples, not like in a "normal" romantic comedy. Janet JACKSON being a big name in the movie is actually not the main character, and Jill SCOTT deserves a double applause, she really is a good actress !

Pour les français, le film vient de sortir en DVD ici, mais je ne sais pas s'il va être traduit et diffusé en France, si vous en entendez parler, regardez-le, au moins pour voir de vos yeux dans quel bled paumé j'habite. J'étais d'ailleurs dans la rue dehors au moment où ils ont tourné la scène qui a lieu dans le magasin (oui c'est là que j'achète mes jeans, oui).

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